
Physical Therapy Tailored For You!

Don’t let pain or injury sideline you from living your best life. Find a physical therapist near you — right here at Crew! No referral is needed.

Take control of your pain, injury, or dysfunction with a care plan made specifically for you! Our licensed physical therapists help get you out of the medical system and return to the lifestyle you enjoy.

A treatment plan that gets you back faster.

Transcend injuries and pain for a healthy, active and fulfilling life

We are a physical therapy clinic specializing in orthopedics, running injuries, pelvic floor dysfunction, back pain, headaches, sprains, strains, and more.

A licensed physical therapist working with a patient at Crew Physical Therapy.

Running Injuries

Reach your full potential

Orthopedic Therapy

Reclaim your strength

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Restore your confidence


Regain control of your life

Caitlin Sapp in her office.

We’re here for you!

Thanks for visiting us here at Crew Physical Therapy. Our team is excited to get you back on the path to success.

Let’s be honest; there’s nothing worse than finding yourself in a position where you need help and don’t know where to turn. That’s where we come in.

If you’ve been trying to manage injuries, lackluster athletic performances, or pain, we’re here to help get you back on a sensible path. Our patient-centered approach can get you back to a consistent, healthy lifestyle so you can return to the life (or sport) you enjoy.

Trying to navigate injuries or dysfunction can be a difficult, lonely process. Your story is unique, and we’re here to listen and help you gain clarity on your situation.

Let Crew support you!

Cait showing client graphic of a route cause of pain.

Running Injuries

As a new patient, you’re met with unparalleled care to manage your sports injuries and training. Whether your goals are driven by health and fitness or your drive to compete, a partnership with Crew gets you on the other side of injury. We position you for a timely and safe return to sport.

As a runner, you need a good physical therapy partner when you’re dealing with shin splints, knee pain, or any other running-related issue. You want to get back onto the road as soon as possible — and our team of clinicians can get you there. Get back on track and conquer your running goals with confidence!

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Our orthopedic physical therapists focus on treating conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other supporting structures of the body. Our goal is to alleviate your pain, improve your wellness, and help you move again without fear.

Get back to living your life.

Dave working on clients ankle.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Our pelvic floor physical therapy addresses a wide range of conditions and pelvic floor issues. Some symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, sexual function, and prenatal/postpartum care. Our pelvic floor physical therapists provide a safe and supportive environment to discuss pelvic floor concerns and work towards improved pelvic health and quality of life.

L et’s team up!

Get your physical therapy treatment started today!

Crew PT Icon.

Address: 1449 Boardman Canfield Rd Suite 170

Phone: 330-429-0766

Fax: 844-704-4419     

Email: [email protected]